Murder Most Musical
After Thursday’s travel disruption it was a relief, as well as a total joy, to have the Crime and Rhyme go ahead as planned last night, in Peel.
In the first half, Caroline England and Martin Edwards spoke so engagingly with Christy Dehaven about their writing process, and about the crime and domestic-noir genres in general. The Bridge Bookshop did a roaring trade in the interval, selling novels from both writers’ back catalogues, as well as their new titles: Caroline’s The Stranger Beside Me and Martin’s Hemlock Bay.
The Bookshop Band had endured a stressful journey to the island, with two small children and musical instruments in tow, and we are so grateful to Beth and Ben for not simply turning round at Heysham in the early hours of yesterday morning and driving home! The band’s songs - many from their new album, Emerge, Return - were as magical and captivating as ever.